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This circuit was constructed using a PIC16F84 microcontroller. The original circuit is available for purchase at www.talkingelectronics.com. This is my version of the circuit with a few minor modifications.
Component Layout Diagram
Breadboard Prototype
This circuit can be purchased at www.talkingelectronics.com. This is an excellent electronics site with many tutorials on the PIC16F84. I chose to construct the circuit with a few changes from the original. It has proven to be an excellent introduction to microcontroller programming.
5x7 Display constructed in a Radio Shack Project Box
Here the PIC was programmed to display "JOEY HERNANDEZ".
Snapshots were taken of "J","O","E" and "Y" as they scrolled
left to right on the display.
Double click to see the program. You can copy and past it to a notepad file.